Friday, March 2, 2007

soul mates

here's a big shout out to donloree and sallie who commented on my last's great.

in other news...i have a very sore throat. it's actually pretty frustrating to me that i haven't been sick all winter, and then the day before i am set to go back to work-which i am excited about mind you-i start getting sick. what are the chances?

i had a great day today, in spite of the sore throat. i went to lunch with a friend. she humored me while i made her answer 12 questions about our friendship. things like have you ever been mad at me, if you could give me any gift what would it be? things like that. i know not everone likes that sort of thing, but i love it. i don't know if she loved it, but i don't think she minded. i like those types of questions because it gives people a chance to say and express things they may never otherwise. after lunch we just walked around the mall for a while, saw some very cute puppies and talked. here is a question that kind of came up: do you believe in soul mates? i do. but i don't think i only have one soul mate. i think there will be a few very special people who come into my life who can see to the heart of who i am and understand me. people that at the core of who they are are the same as who i am. people who help me complete my puzzle. any ways, what do you think, sound out and tell me!


Anonymous said...

I believe that you have a soulmate (your wonderful and amazing husband). But I don't think that anyone else in the world does.

sfranchu said...

How can I comment after what Wes said? Maybe he's not your ONLY soulmate...but I'm sure he is your BEST soulmate.
I think at times (throughout the years) we have had nothing(or very little) in common, but we have remained the same(as each other). If that is what a soulmate is, then YES, I believe in that!

J Man said...

Hazel, I just found your blog... and realized that you link to both of mine!!!

Here's my take on soulmates:

In Perfection, we're all soulmates. I believe this is God's true intention for Redemtion.

I have met a few people that I think could be soulmates - men and women. Is it bad that I may believe that my wife isn't my only female soulmate, or that a guy can be a soulmate? I don't think so. Like most things, I think we (or most of us, anyway) have a narrow viewpoint that limits the Joy of life quite a bit.